
Miscela Fruttata – %100 Arabica Blend

A sublime and persistent aroma of fresh fruits of a chocolaty nature. A complete and well-balanced product in its many aspects. Full-bodied, a soave and fragrant consistency with a slight tang. Its secret is the balance between different and seemingly contrasting sensations.
Some of the Arabica’s used in the Fruttata blend are:

Brazil Yellow Bourbon:

The cup has a light but juicy body. There is an undeniable floral jasmine flavour. There is a big presence of fruit and spice flavour as well as taste of plum and passion fruit.

Ethiopia Sidamo:

A pleasant tang, a distinct fruity taste of apricot and spices. Excellent structure and compactness. Persistent aftertaste.

Ethiopia Harrar:

An unmistakable taste hailing slightly to the flowery, which tends to be called “winy”. Full body and not at all tangy. A soft flavour with a hint of the wild. Not a predominant aftertaste, but with the fine flavour of coffee.

Nicaragua SHG

A delicate aroma, sweet and fruity. An intense body; and a pleasant tang to the taste, with sensations of liquorice, sweetness and with a final hint of fruits.

Mexico Maragogype:

A high aromatic impact with a hint of fruits and hazelnuts, not very tangy, good body, harmonious and persistent aftertaste, with a round but not overwhelming taste.

Santo Domingo AAA:

Superb and fragrant flowery-fruity aroma, with a hint of citrus fruits, caramel and jasmine. A marked and rich but well-balanced flavour.

Guatemala Santa Anita Arabica:

Strong Flavor of caramel and with a note of milk chocolate. This coffee is Fruited and in a nice , sweet way. Nectarine and Apricot nectar is expressed in both, flavour and mouthful. The acidity is refreshing and with accents of malic fruits. The finish is honeyed and with a nice, bittering cacao nib flavour.